Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Zzzz" Press/Drops

So I've been getting some press drops the past couple weeks and I just wanted to post some of the links to these reviews/drops/blogs that have helped me out! (you all should start checking these spots out as they are refined enough to support good music like "Zzzz"... no but seriously.)

BEATCACKES - "the entire album is very relaxing and laidback."
BETTER BLENDS - "an impressive debut from the young college student and musician."
HOLD MY COAT - "incredibly talented singer, guitarist and more, and all of his strengths come out on the mixtape."
SOUL 11 - "What's truly amazing about this EP is that Ken plays all of the instruments on the tracks minus two songs"
the SOUL RESERVOIR - "Ken Ross has a Nicolay x Flying Lotus type of heat!!"
the EMERSON POST - "I must say he achieved something wonderful."

There should be more on the way as other publications/editors have contacted me about doing stories/reviews so I'll make sure to post them as they come in, make sure to follow the twitter or facebook pages as those are good spots to keep up to date on everything!

If you or anyone you know writes for a publication and are interested in doing a review/story on Zzzz please e-mail , appreciate it!!