Wednesday, September 23, 2009

^dates fall'09

This summer was real busy,

On top of workkin the jazz guiitarr with groups around Chicago and teaching a bit out in Litchfield CT, I have been going harrrd on my production work.

Fortunately, I'm finally inspired enough to get my shit together and announce the coming of my debut release! I can't tell you how excited I am for this coming project, considering I haven't been on a publicly released product since... 2006? Wow. The hiatus is over, and I'm telling you now, the music that I release will be worth the wait. To the few ears that I have been trading rough drafts with; the reports are all real positive, and I've promised those ears and mine not to let these tracks slip through the cracks into a sad, lonely place on my hard drive like I have in the past.

So what to expect? Well I have some confirmed collabs to get your brain ticking already, Jo'Leon Davenue, Magestik Legend, Oddisee and otherrs are in the works. The music will be a cluster-fuck of everything that influences me, but... if I had to narrow it down...

It would be like if Jack Kerouac was cryogenically frozen (you know, a la John Spartan in Demolition Man) but melted and came to consciousness in Electric Ladyland Studios in 1998, (unfortunately without Wesley Snipes) where he began a tenure as a sound engineer until he got fed up with shitty R&B artists and waiting for D'Angelo to come out with a new album so he went on the road with Phonte and Nicolay last fall, & THHEEENN after that decided he'd try to make some music of his own to bring all the ne-yyoz, j-holidayyz and treyy-songz jokers of the music business to their knees.

But I digress, because that would be way to perfect. And I guess it might not be that dope, but it will be something worth checking out and showing to your baby momma--momma's momma... baby momma's momma. Just to get on her good side.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Thanks to my sister I got a nice photo-shoot the other day for some promotional purposes. Here are a couple of the takes,

My sis has been hard at work with her Fashion Agency, and is actually heading to Italy to promote the biz this weekend--first in my immediate fam to cross international waters in a looonnng time, of which I am both proud and yet ashamed of. Check her work out on the web and her blog: Global Fashion Agency

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

pre-k identity crisis

i was convinced i was michael jordan until the third grade.

i found the kindergarten self portraits to prove it.