First off, I want to thank all my fellow musicians/friends that encouraged me to even think about putting this out. In particular everyone over at Green Street, and my buddy Ian Wells aka producer/mashup artist Deskhop. There is also a long list of non-musically affiliated friends that helped me out and offered support by promising they would dl my shit even if it was whack as hell, but unfortunately none of them have cool enough websites... but you all know who you are, I think?
I can't thank musician and professional photographer Kurt Von Stetten enough, who generously helped me out by shooting the album art in his Airwalks not once, but twice during a nor'easter. This was the same guy that went with my mom way back in the day to help her pick out my first guitar, So I guess in some ways he's really to blame for all of this. I can't forget my sister from a similar mister, Kathleen Ross, who donated her skills as a graphic designer to literally help a brother out.
I gotta thank Gary Mei, Jon Lu and all the talented individuals at A Lucky Movie who made a well done promo video that really helped me look legit minus the messy bedroom in one or two scenes, but that was hardly their fault... And last but not least my buddy Armen Nazarian for helping me code all of my website!!! Okay and now time for more shameless promotion below!!!