Schools been crazy here, but I've been busy with music so I'll give you some bullet points of what's to come:
-This past week I've been working on a number of beats that I hope will come together this weekend
-I've been working on another cover! Its been a while since I've done one, the last was about a year ago, when I re-made Stevie Wonder's solemn "They Won't Go When I Go". I'll post both covers as soon as I finish this new one, don't want to give it away yet.
-jazz jazz jazz jazz has also been what I've been up to lately. Lots of transcribing and arranging. Today I shedded Wayne Shorter tunes for two hours alone. I have gigs this Thursday and Monday, so I've been hectic with rehearsals. But I'll post some of the recordings as soon as I get them.
-I've also been working on arranging a big set for a band to play with Rotimi at this big battle of the bands coming up. Winner plays at mayfest, so we gotta bring it.
-I've been working on my keyboard chops a lot lately, just staying up to hours that I shouldn't and playing through ballads and gospel tunes, I'm finally starting to feel comfortable in a variety of keys, it definitely came in handy in this new cover I'm working on... but you'll hear that soon enough...
so I'm sorry to tease you like this, but all in good time.. stay tuned.
-Oh... and for those of you who didn't get the issue, I sneaked into this months issue of DOWNBEAT... "where's waldo?"