First let me just mention that sometimes its beyond me, when I come across cats like the one that I'm about to name, that I simply can't come up with reasons why they haven't blown up. I can't figure out how it is that people would rather listen to the new Bow-Wow joint on repeat than cats that are making the baddest shit out there. In a sense, the scenario is great for me, because when I finally do come across dope music, it reminds me that there are so many people out there doing real shit and making art. Its just too bad that I have to turn over hundreds of stones and travel through the mountain ranges of Mordor to find them.
This being said. 'DIS DUDE has been my shit lately.
Unfortunately, these days I barely find time to listen to anything. And when I do have the time, I usually have to spend it checking out classic jazz recordings or classical joints for my music classes. But -this being said, I'm ADDICTED to J. Most's shit lately. I gotta have my fix! I visit his Myspace page and listen through the tracks at least once a day. The music is ill, the harmony is intricate, the melodies are interesting, the lyrics are dope, I can't knock it at all. I rank his shit up there with how I feel about D's shit. (BOLD right!? you all must already know that Voodoo is my pocket bible.)
Honestly, these joints just speak to me. It was like an epiphany when I came across them, the music, the lyrics, the vibe (the perfect balance of funk, neo-soul and hip-hop)... Its so close to the exact kinda music I strive to make (except.. better... or well, maybe just less jazzy... gotta give myself some credit. haha)
I officially suggest that you check out all the songs on his page,
in particular, "Tuesday", "the Breath", "Her" and "Strange Light".
I don't know much about the guy. Other than I think he attended the New School in New York for Jazz Guitar. Some of my friends from Litchfield knew him pretty sure. I know that he works with Jesse Boykins III, I've got some of Jesse's shit but in all honesty I just want J. Most's album but I am yet to find/hear anything about it. I'll keep yall posted.
So I'll leave you with some lyrics from the bridge of my favorite joint off that page: "the Breath":
"So what's there to say? 'Cause I'm at it again, like back in the day.
Its just a matter, of the way, that our love is;
like sun on a Friday, rain on a Saturday"...